About us

Who we are

We are an open-source metadata aggregation engine for the best movie componay of the world. We are fans of the Pixar Animation Studios.

Our main goal is to have the best core metadata information to provide a universal view, along with ingesting individual data from others providers to enrich our dataset and be an unique API and one click to go.

We have some benefits like:

  • Strict guidelines to ensure consistently high quality data across datasets, categories and regions.
  • Our data is multi language.
  • The datasets contains movies information like rating, runtime, cast and crew. Celebrity information like primary Name, gender, birthplace, and awards and pictures.

How much information do we have here?

Working in progress...

The API is missing stuff 😔

We know! Feel free to contribute to open issues on GitHub.

Have ideas for new features? Open a issue too!!

Legal Notice

We do not claim ownership of any of the images or data in the API. We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and expeditiously remove infringing content when properly notified.

Any data and/or images you upload you expressly grant us a license to use. You are prohibited from using the images and/or data in connection with libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive or otherwise offensive content.